LIFE for animals
Least Inhibitive, Functionally Effective, by Dr Eddie Fernandez
I always had a problem with LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive). Why do we have to frame our interactions with non-human animals to include intrusive and aversive methods to begin with?
I don’t see training with rose-colored glasses: I don’t believe we can limit our interactions to be solely positive reinforcement. But life is already so filled with intrusions and aversives; why chose to reach for these methods if you don’t have to?
We all do the best that we can. And we can always challenge ourselves to do better.
Why Olive Behavior?
Olive is my everything.
Olive was my everything.
Her severe fear was the reason why I dove into behavior therapy and we built resilience to trauma together. She widened my heart and taught me to be compassionate to myself and to others.
She taught me that life lessons are never finished but ongoing, that they sometimes need to be learned and relearned. Change is never linear.
These posts may not stay the same. I may come back to them, revise, refresh, reconsider. Because my thoughts evolve as I live. And that is what Olive taught me.
LIVE. Live behavior.
Olive Behavior